Inspired by Ann Voskamp's, "One Thousand Gifts", I am beginning (and sharing) my gratitude list.
100 happy days - a new spin on my gratitude list
"The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save, He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17
Thankful for God, the Mighty One for:
sending a Savior
rejoicing over me
quieting me
His everlasting love
100 happy days - a new spin on my gratitude list
My first twelve, starting top left and moving clockwise:
Crafting with my girl
Sole Hope Shoe Party
Chicken Salad (yum!)
Homemade deodorant (yeah, I'm weird like that!)
First PICNIC of 2014
Before and After (+20 pound weight loss!!)
My husband
MIM (or otherwise know as "Muffin in a Mug")
Straw ball gardening
My sweet, sweet Cooper Dog
Chocolate Mint Smoothie (because that's how I diet!)
Living room forts on rainy days
"The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save, He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17
Thankful for God, the Mighty One for:
sending a Savior
rejoicing over me
quieting me
His everlasting love
first snow, roosting chickens, favorite coffee cup, sweet gift, eyes filled with wonder
An adventure with my children.
A phone call from my sister
A four day week
Changed plans
a quiet house
chickens, even though they keep escaping their chicken run
friends who gather to study The Word
My parents, oh how I love them
My grandmother delivering banana nut muffins and staying for a visit
Thank you, Lord, for all of these things and more!
277-279. The color of, leaves and pumpkins
July 26, 2013 ~ #274-276
~Beautiful flowers delivered by beautiful, thoughtful people.
~A sweet friend who delivered a sweet breakfast of homemade strawberry jam and scones.
~A rainbow, beautiful and full, to welcome me on my evening walk.

These sweet gifts which remind me on days when I'm overwhelmed of my many responsibilities that I am indeed blessed.
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Photo Credit: Dishes Wash Day |
May 28, 2013
Today is a gift. My work is a gift.
273. The sink full of dishes? A gift.
272. The pile of laundry waiting to be folded? A gift.
271. The Boy sitting next to me talking incessantly? A gift.
May 26, 2013
Cuddled on the couch with my favorite warm blanket, my laptop, a good book and a cup of coffee while listening to Pandora. Thankful for the little things.
268. Joy found in kitchen work (kitchen love)~
the smell of garlic and onion sauteing in butter
slow down. savor the delicious scents
rolling and chopping of spinach
vibrant green. life giving
the rhythmic hum of the dishwasher with hands immersed in the warm, lemony scented dishwater
calm the spirit. quiet the mind
(263-267) May 14, 2013
The neighborhood owl who coaxed this tired girl out of her bed this morning.
Elbows deep in origami and watercolors. At 6 am.
Coffee. Sunshine. Short-wearing, barefoot kind of weather forecast.
(260-262) May 13, 2013 Joy Dare: 3 gifts found in your mother......
My comforter, my prayer warrior and my friend!
258. On May 2, 2013 SE Minnesota looked much like this:
I'm thankful for tulips. :)
254-257. May 5, 2013 Counting my blessings.......
a wonderful day spent with my daughter (pedicures!),
a BEAUTIFUL day for a walk to visit my bees AND they survived the snow and cold (thank you, Lord!),
fun conversation during our family dinner tonight,
a family that's ok with pizza when I'm don't feel like cooking. :)
#251-253. April 8, 2013 Three Gifts Rising Up
Psalm 113:3 From the rising of the sun to its going down, the Lord's name is to be praised!

photo credit
Although I would prefer sleeping in, my job does not allow such luxuries, but I can choose to give thanks for my early morning rising. I am thankful for rising up early each week day so that I may:
1. See the arrival of a brand new day.
Thank you, Lord, for each new day. Even Mondays.
2. Spend a few moments in solitude before my children awake and my job comes to me.
Thank you, God, for these rare, but oh so precious, quiet moments.
3. Provide for all the needs of my family.
Thank you, Jesus, for creating me "able" and for your provisions.
April 4, 2013 ~ Today I am thankful for (247.) rain instead of snow, (248.) listening to my daughter and my son reading "Three Musketeers" in "voice" to one another, (249.) seeing old daycare friends and (250.) stealing away a few minutes to quietly read (BLISS!).
246. Music which lifts my eyes, and my heart, to God
245. Silly hats
244. Children "reading"
243. oh, and look at those cute toes!
242. Playing in DIRT! Oh, the sweet smell of earth!
240. Broken yet REDEEMED!
239.A hot cup of tea while I study His Word!
238. Thank you, God, for never giving up on me....even when I continue to fail. 237. I am so thankful that His grace covers me....even when I fall out of the habit of writing my thanks.
236. Coffee love. Hubs makes the coffee most mornings for me. In the afternoon, before he arrives home from work, I make a fresh pot of coffee for him. We love each other with coffee. :)
235. Household chores which means I have a family to care love.
234. Quiet kiddos (this is an amazing moment) while hand washing dishes ~ in the quiet, with my hands immersed in the warm, lavender scented soap water, the running faucet almost sounded like a waterfall......a serence moment in my busy day. THANK YOU, GOD!
233. A handful of chocolate chips with a cup of sneaky treat while the kiddos rest. :)
January 9, 2013
232. Playing Phase 10 with my family.
231. Dinnertime prayers.
230. Eating dinner with my husband and both of my children.
229. An unexpected night at home. Ahh........
228. A son, who unlike his mama, can hide his fears long enough to try something new!
227. A January day that feels like SPRING! :)
226. The opportunity to live with my best friend.
225. Reflecting on the many blessings, despite the many hard days, of 2012. The blessings are abundant!
224. A quiet day at daycare means a FIELD TRIP! Nothing too exciting but the girls are looking forward to playing at McDonald's play land.
223. Bright sunshine on a cold day.
224. A quiet day at daycare means a FIELD TRIP! Nothing too exciting but the girls are looking forward to playing at McDonald's play land.
223. Bright sunshine on a cold day.
222. Thank you, God, for helping me to be attentive today. I heard the most wonderful stories from my grandmother about the "good old days".
221. Today, as we celebrated Christmas with my sister and niece, I am so thankful for my niece. She is such a beautiful, talented, and sweet girl whom I greatly cherish.
220. A husband who thinks that he is pretty funny in suggesting a 5 am walk in the morning before I begin my work day. Thank you, God, for not giving me a husband that would be serious about such a request.
219. Watching a good movie with hubby when I have little motivation to do anything else.
218. Snow dogs, snow angels, chickens in the snow........
December 27
217. A Christmas gift discovered under the tree.......a necklace made for me from my sweet, sweet daughter.
216. I am so thankful for my crock pot, making dinner easy tonight so that I could rush to an appointment after work and still have dinner ready when I arrived home.
215. Dinner with my family.
December 26, 2012
214. A family that is satisfied with a dinner of frozen pizza when mama isn't feeling well.
213. A husband who cleans up the kitchen after dinner so that this tired mama could cuddle
212. Tea that tastes like sweet, warm candy canes.
December 25, 2012
211 A savior who came for me (and you!).
210 My dear family and extended family.
209 Time spent with those I love.
December 2012
208. The look on the face of a child when they open a gift.
207. Gifts that I am able to buy for those I love.
206. A job that I love.
205. My crooked Christmas tree.
217. A Christmas gift discovered under the tree.......a necklace made for me from my sweet, sweet daughter.
216. I am so thankful for my crock pot, making dinner easy tonight so that I could rush to an appointment after work and still have dinner ready when I arrived home.
215. Dinner with my family.
December 26, 2012
214. A family that is satisfied with a dinner of frozen pizza when mama isn't feeling well.
213. A husband who cleans up the kitchen after dinner so that this tired mama could cuddle
212. Tea that tastes like sweet, warm candy canes.
December 25, 2012
211 A savior who came for me (and you!).
210 My dear family and extended family.
209 Time spent with those I love.
December 2012
208. The look on the face of a child when they open a gift.
207. Gifts that I am able to buy for those I love.
206. A job that I love.
205. My crooked Christmas tree.
Sunday blessings as I reflect on my weekend:
204. I am thankful for the time on the weekends to connect with my family and the time for physical restoration.
203. Sunday mornings also involves having my morning coffee in my pajamas with my husband. This little routine makes me happy.
202. Going to church on Saturday night allows me to sleep in on Sunday mornings. After a week of rising early, this time for extra sleep restores me and prepares me for the week ahead.
201. Instead of grocery shopping last night, Barry and I wandered a few stores at a local strip mall. I ooh'd over pretties at Pier One, we scrounged the Dollar Store for great deals (we left empty handed), and joked about the "stylish" clothes at Savers (thrift store).
200. Our Saturday night routine is attending church followed by dinner at church.While hubs and I have dinner my son heads off to Student Ministry activities. After dinner, my husband and I have an hour to "kill" before Isaiah is done which usually involves grocery shopping. I enjoy my Saturday night date night with my husband even if it includes dinner with others and grocery shopping.
Pray without ceasing!
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
198. Seeing new "tricks" work wonders! Ah, the joy of success!
197. Seasoned mama's who teach me new "tricks".
196. A house full of kids joyfully playing. It's VERY noisy here today but the noise is so full of life and joy!
195. Bright sunshiny days.
194. Sharing a blanket with darling daughter while relaxing on the couch.
193. A sweet husband who takes over "taxi duty" so that I can do homework.
192. A warm house on a cold day.
191. Solitude
190. A special outing with a daycare kiddo.
189. New adventures.
188.Time spent worshiping God in song.
187. A cloudy, quiet day creating a perfect atmosphere for rest. Rest needed for this mama who is fighting an energy zapping, must-stay-in-bed-all-day cold.
190. A special outing with a daycare kiddo.
189. New adventures.
188.Time spent worshiping God in song.
187. A cloudy, quiet day creating a perfect atmosphere for rest. Rest needed for this mama who is fighting an energy zapping, must-stay-in-bed-all-day cold.
186. My earthly father and my Heavenly Father. Both love me so well.
184. God rest
183. Spilled milk which produces a clean refrigerator.
182. Attending church with my "boys".
181. Drinking coffee while in my pj's and over-sized but comfy sweater on a quiet Saturday morning (one of my favorite things).180. Beautiful sunshine on a chilly fall morning.
179. An evening enjoying fabulous music (Robert Robinson concert) with fabulous people (family).
178. A work day ending a little early.
Psalm 55:17
176. The sound of joy and surprise from the kids when I announce, "Everyone to the playroom! Nap time has been postponed!"
173. Sharing God's truths with my son.
171. Finally saying "YES" instead of "maybe later"
October 5 ~ Three Gifts Returned
157. Bright flowers.
August 20, 2012 ~ Three Gifts of Serving
"But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant." Matthew 23:11
152. A young boy speaking a sweet kindness of his heart to his little sister.
151. My boy, man-child, being a servant as he holds doors open for his mother.
150. An old friend who serves with kindness and generosity. Thank you, God, for not only blessing me with such a friend, but for opening my eyes to such goodness.
August 19, 2012 ~ Three Gifts in Church
August 18, 2012 Three Gifts Red, Read, Written
146. His blood shed for me
145. His Word
144. My ramblings. May they glorify HIM!
143. History which connects us to the past.
142. Parades and the joy of children.
141. Community knitted together during town festivals.
August 8, 2012 ~ Three Gifts of Summer
140. Bare feet
139. Sun-kissed skin
138. Summer sounds through the open windows
August 7 ~ Three Gifts in His Word

August 6 ~ Three Gifts in Water
130. Inside at the farm, is a house full of family, celebrating the the birthday of my daughter and my niece. Celebrating the lives of two beautiful girls.
August 4 ~ Three Gifts Sitting
August 1, 2012 ~ Three Gifts White
July 26, 2012 Three Gifts FRESH:
91. Late night talks with my daughter. So worth losing sleep for those sweet moments.
May 21, 2012 ~ Three Gifts Found in Little People:176. The sound of joy and surprise from the kids when I announce, "Everyone to the playroom! Nap time has been postponed!"
175. The serenade of a table full of children singing songs to me as I finish making their lunch.
174. Pure joy as my son shares a verse that he learned last year which he appropriately applied to our discussion!
173. Sharing God's truths with my son.
172. A special moment with one of my favorite little people as we liked the "platter clean" (brownie batter licked right off the beater!)
170. Sharing a piece of birthday cake.
169. A homemade meal.
168. The shine on just mopped floors.
167. Gentle rains.
166. Larabars
164. The simple joy of stealing a spoonful of ice cream straight from the container (shh, don't tell the kids!).
163. A change of pace and a little rest on the "too tired" days.
162. A mother-daughter journey
161. Four generations of women traveling together.
160. A Savior who will return again.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. John 14:3
159. Love returned in an embrace.
158. A smile returned across a crowd room of women.
156. A God that protects my children when I can not.
Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and our strength...."
155. God's wisdom, which I so greatly need, as I raise this boy to love and serve Him.
154. Teenagers. The Boy, my boy, is now a teen.
153. Harvest
"But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant." Matthew 23:11
152. A young boy speaking a sweet kindness of his heart to his little sister.
151. My boy, man-child, being a servant as he holds doors open for his mother.
150. An old friend who serves with kindness and generosity. Thank you, God, for not only blessing me with such a friend, but for opening my eyes to such goodness.
August 19, 2012 ~ Three Gifts in Church
149. Worshiping Him with music. My soul opens up.
148. Reading His word. Reading of His promises, of His love, of His grace.
147. Prayer. Holy communion with my Savior.
146. His blood shed for me
145. His Word
144. My ramblings. May they glorify HIM!
143. History which connects us to the past.
142. Parades and the joy of children.
141. Community knitted together during town festivals.
140. Bare feet
139. Sun-kissed skin
138. Summer sounds through the open windows
August 7 ~ Three Gifts in His Word
August 6 ~ Three Gifts in Water
134. Rains that quench the gardens.
133. Water that quenches thirst after a long hike with the kids.
132. A shallow pool of water to splash in.
August 5 ~ Three gifts outside, inside and upside down
129. A journey that almost turned our world upside down. A journey which brought me to my knees in prayers and praise.
August 4 ~ Three Gifts Sitting
128. A hen sitting on her offering, a warm egg.
127. Sitting with a friend and sharing joys.....and burdens. Thank you for lightening the load just by listening.
126. After a long day it's nice to sit on the front porch with my husband discussing the events of the day.
August 3 ~ A gift at 10 am, 1 pm, and 10 pm
125. A houseful of children joyfully playing together
124. A (somewhat) quiet moment to sit down and catch my breath.
123. Falling exhausted on my bed, thanking God for rest.
August 2 ~ Three Gifts Eaten
122. A meal prepared by a friend.
121. The sweet and salty found in trail mix.
120. A just-picked, crispy cucumber eaten in the garden.
118. A Savior who has cleansed me.
117. White marshmallow turned black on a cool summer evening
July 26, 2012 Three Gifts FRESH:
116. The smell of fresh cut grass.
115. The taste of fresh, creamy milk.
114. The fresh smell of summer on the line-dried clothes.
113. An almighty Father who helps me make hard decisions.
112. Brushing and braiding my daughters hair.
110. Fluffy white clouds turning to black which bring the much needed rain to my garden.
109. Blueberries in my oatmeal.
108. Faith that sustains me.
107. Family that loves deeply.
106. Freedom to worship.
July 2, 2012 Joy Dare ~ 3 gifts read
105. God's Word which strengthens me and fills me with truth.
104. Encouraging words from people in my life. God has surrounded me with people who are filled with compassion and love. What a blessing!
103. Women who inspire me with their words(blogs) to cherish each day and live a life that glorifies God.
July 1, 2012 Joy Dare ~ 3 gifts loved
102. My loyal Cooper Dog
101. A family who is faithful in giving unconditional love
100. My children, oh how I love them both.
99. Praises sung loud and from the heart.
98. Communion with my heavenly Father.
97. I am so thankful for my church home.
112. Brushing and braiding my daughters hair.
July 4, 2012 Three Gifts ~ Red, White and Blue
111. Red, sweet strawberries from an even sweeter friend.110. Fluffy white clouds turning to black which bring the much needed rain to my garden.
109. Blueberries in my oatmeal.
108. Faith that sustains me.
107. Family that loves deeply.
106. Freedom to worship.
July 2, 2012 Joy Dare ~ 3 gifts read
105. God's Word which strengthens me and fills me with truth.
104. Encouraging words from people in my life. God has surrounded me with people who are filled with compassion and love. What a blessing!
103. Women who inspire me with their words(blogs) to cherish each day and live a life that glorifies God.
July 1, 2012 Joy Dare ~ 3 gifts loved
102. My loyal Cooper Dog
101. A family who is faithful in giving unconditional love
100. My children, oh how I love them both.
99. Praises sung loud and from the heart.
98. Communion with my heavenly Father.
97. I am so thankful for my church home.
96. The healing accomplished by prayer and God's grace.
95. Hard days that turn to great days.
94. The laughter and silliness while playing games with my family.
93. Renewed relationships.
92. My father, my hero, for his quiet strength, wisdom and love.91. Late night talks with my daughter. So worth losing sleep for those sweet moments.
90. Renewed friendships.
89, Friday Eve. The work week is coming to a close and a weekend of family, a little work on "projects" (garden is on this weekends priority list), and a little relaxation to rejuvenate my soul.
89, Friday Eve. The work week is coming to a close and a weekend of family, a little work on "projects" (garden is on this weekends priority list), and a little relaxation to rejuvenate my soul.
88. Belly laughs from toddlers.
87. Ground soaking rain on thirsty flowers.
86. Imagination. I've been consciously listening and soaking in the imagination and creativity of a group of children at play. It delights my soul.
85. JOY. Yesterday I watched "my" (daycare baby) 17 month old boy stoop down to touch his lips on the wet sidewalk. When I called his name to discourage this action, he looked up at me with bright eyes and a whole face kind of smile. His face RADIATED JOY!
84. Child created art. Sidewalk chalk abstract and dandelion decorated chicken coop. I am so thankful to the children that add beauty to my life EVERY DAY!
Mom and I on Mother's Day 2012 |
83. My mom, my best friend.
82. The prayers of mamas.
81. Parents who loved each other even when it wasn't easy.
80. A father who taught me the value of working hard.
79. A mom who loved me no matter what.
78. I'm thankful for the person who gave me this mug. She puts great insight into her gift giving. My big mug had broken and she remembered. Once she bought me a candle because the scent reminder her of me. Being compared to a sweet smelling candle is beyond sweet.
77. Big mugs full of warmth (I like tea but most often my cup is filled with coffee).
May 7, 2012 Three Things about My Home:
76. A roof over my head and a new roof at that!
75. My porches. While house hunting I prayed for a three season porch. God gave me TWO!
74. The "filling". Thank you, God, for those I share my home with. Thank you for those who fill my home with JOY!
73. Dark, rainy morning which leads to "flashlight play"!
72. A bunny sitting so still, undisturbed by my presence.
71. The privilege of witnessing the first flights of my backyard robins.
70. Motivated house purging. Excited for the "LESS"
69. Spicy black bean soup
68. Sweetness in May Day Basket
66. Bouquets of "flowers"
64. Friends who take the time to teach me something new.
63. Learning from great teachers.
62. Time spent with women of faith.
61. The opportunity to kiss away a toddlers tears.
60. Crock pot preparing dinner so that I can work on other tasks.
59. Rainy days which give me extra time in the kitchen.
58. Faith that comforts. When bad, heart-breaking events happen to really good people, I know that somehow God has a better plan.
57. A husband who not only supports my journey but also sees value in it. His words of encouragement and praise mean so much to me. I am so blessed to have such a great cheerleader.
56. Those who inspire me to aim HIGH!
55. The crisp, clean air after a Spring rain.
April 11, 2012 Three Gifts Worn
54. My old house, worn around the edges to reveal it's age.
53. Thank you, Lord, for lifting me up when my spirit is worn out.
54. My old house, worn around the edges to reveal it's age.
53. Thank you, Lord, for lifting me up when my spirit is worn out.
52. My old, worn cardigan sweater on a cool Spring morning.
April 9, 2012 Three Gifts: Heard, Hidden, Held
51. Hands held. The joy of holding babies hands as she practices for her first steps.
50. Toddler hiding behind his hands in a game of peek-a-boo.
49. JOY heard in the laughter of children playing.
47. Time spent with family.
4/8/2012 Three Gifts Rising Up ~
46. Today, on Easter Sunday 2012, I am so thankful for a risen Savior! Thank you, Jesus, for nailing my sins to the cross. Thank you for giving me LIFE! Ephesians 2:1 "And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins"
45. The new growth in spring. The rising up of the tulips, the wildflowers, the herbs. The rebirth of that which appeared dead yet was only sleeping.
44. The sun that rises, bringing a new day. A new beginning. A fresh start.
4/6/2012 Three Gifts Nailed Together ~
43. My sins nailed to the cross of Christ. Thank you, Jesus, for your ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for saving a unworthy sinner such as me.42. Boards nailed together to form a home. A place of more than just shelter.
41. My family, nailed together with love and prayer.
40. A warm mug of tea warming cold hands in the cool of the morning.
39. Stolen moments of quiet.
38. The giggle of little girls.
37. The Boy turning into a man.
36. The prayers of children.
35. I dream of having a hobby farm . Through my impatience, I hear God's reassuring voice saying, "Not now. It's not time." I'm so thankful that I have a Heavenly Father who knows what I'm ready (or not ready) for.
34. Weekly Sunday lunch with my grandmother and parents at "The Farm".
33. My friend, Brenda, who gives until it hurts.
32. Friends to share the joys and trials of life with.
31. Music which moves my soul.
30. My home reminds me of answered prayer. Thank you, God, for giving me the desires of my heart.
29. While spring cleaning this weekend, I am thankful that I have a home to call my own.
28. The sweet smell of a baby.
27. The songs of children when they think no one is listening.
26. Back cracking yoga. It's so much cheaper than a visit to the chiropractor.
25. The bright yellow of the first tulip.
24. A husband that loves me just as I am.

23. Quiet Sunday mornings in my pajamas.
22. The whistle of the teapot.
21. For the quiet in the morning, as well as the loud, boisterous noises of the day.
20. Sunshine warm on the skin.
19. The fresh smell of a spring rain.
17. A job which not only provides for my family but also gets me out of bed in the morning.
16. Flashes of light during the first spring rain.
15. Observing a twelve-year-old boy teaching preschoolers an outdoor game. Pure joy knowing that my son doesn't think he's "too cool" for little ones.
14. The sound of leaves crunching while walking through the woods.
13. Exploring the woods on a breezy, warm day.
12. Walking barefoot on just turning green grass.
11. Witnessing the world come alive in the early morning. The sun rising, the birds singing, the mist over the fields.
10. Beautiful, big, fluffy clouds in the shades of pinks and purples.
9. Thankful for a hubs who suggests pizza and a movie on a night when I don't wanna cook.
8. Digging fingers in the dirt.
7. Being good-tired from a day spent in the spring sun with a warm breeze.
6. Witnessing a (almost) three year old show compassion to another.
4. Quiet mornings alone.
3. The green of plants peeking through the dirt and the anticipation of growth that will bring forth flowers.
2. Warm, Spring days....when it's technically still winter.
1. Baby's first kisses. Although wet and slobbery, they are so sweet and heartwarming. I got one today. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with babies to love.

I just think this list is SWEET! Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia
ReplyDeleteThank you! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for filling me back up during my tea break:)