Last week I frantically prepared for my five days away from my computer. I edited photos, made photo collages, wrote my posts and scheduled one for each day that I would be gone. I then spent five days in NYC walking many steps and exploring the fabulous city, from Central Park to Battery Park. We'd arrive back to the hotel each night with sore feet and achy legs ready to collapse exhausted on our beds. Tuesday night we arrived home in time to show the boys (hubs and son) a few of the 700 photos that I had taken during our trip and headed to bed so that I would be ready to wake for my 6 am daycare kids. After work I made my family dinner and went out for coffee with some ladies from bible study, followed by grocery shopping. Home again in time for bed.
I tell you this in hopes that the next statement can be understood. I'm tired. I have the "I don't wanna's". I see the laundry in the dryer and I don't wanna fold the clothes. The suitcase laying open with only a few things left to unpack? Well, I don't wanna. I opened my computer this morning and thought, "I don't wanna blog today" despite the fact I had made a crazy commitment to blog everyday during the month of October. And as I wrestled between what to write and my "I don't wanna" attitude, I remembered something Lisa-Jo wrote last week. "Some days you won't feel like writing. Write anyway." So. Here I am. Writing anyway. And I'm glad I'm here. Kinda. :)
Sometimeswe I just need to put one foot in front of the other even when we I don't feel like it. I think that's called perseverance. So I'll write and I'll do the necessaries such as general picking up, feeding and caring for the needs of my daycare family as well as my own family, and school with my son but I'll skip the "extra" chores. I'm going to spend my day playing games with the kids, snuggling on the couch to read picture books and when the kiddos have their quiet, movie time this afternoon I will be joining them. Yep, it's going to be wonderful.
It's important to listen when the body is saying it's exhausted and take the schedule down a notch. I think God knew I needed a quiet day today as my daycare load is lighter and the children have been especially good today. Tonight we have no planned activities....just what I need after a busy week of rushing.

It's important to listen when the body is saying it's exhausted and take the schedule down a notch. I think God knew I needed a quiet day today as my daycare load is lighter and the children have been especially good today. Tonight we have no planned activities....just what I need after a busy week of rushing.
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

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