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Is Hubby My Best Friend?

Yesterday, while perusing Facebook, I found that The Time-Warp Wife has just started a series called "The Ultimate Marriage Vow". As 2013 is my Year of Relationship, and lovin' on my hubs is on the top of the list, I decided to mosey on over to see what Darlene had to say.

 Day 1 was "BE A CONSTANT FRIEND AND COMPANION" (head over to blog to read). And then in the afternoon I heard this song.........

I love this song because it makes me want to sway and sing along. I listened to the words a little differently. Love songs don't affect me like they did in high school. In fact, I'm not sure when love songs stopped stirring my heart. Somewhere along the lines the words in love songs where just that. Meaningless words. Was it before meeting my husband, that after many years of disappointments and hurts my heart had become hardened? Or did love songs stir my heart in the beginning of our relationship but they've been quieted because the "honeymoon" is has become practical and unromantic. I really can't remember. 

I do remember, even if love songs didn't stir me, that I was a bit "ga-ga" over him. I remember staying up late at night, after I had put the kids to bed, and talking with him on the phone for hours. I remember the excitement of our weekly date night, the night during the week when I could see him. I remember our long car rides to go visit his kids in which we talked all the way there......and all the way back. These days we can make it all the way to church (30 minute commute) without uttering a word.

Where is that girl that wanted to share all her hopes and dreams with the one whom she would spend the rest of her life with? I want to feel "ga-ga" over my guy again......I want to feel sappy over love songs and my husband.

Darlene's challenge for yesterday/day 2? Give him GRACE! Stop looking at his flaws. I must constantly remind myself that I too am flawed (I know, this is really hard to much as I know this truth I'd like to pretend that it just isn't so!). So he forgets to take the garbage out. He gives me grace on those nights when I'm just too tired to make dinner so I also can give him grace. We are all imperfect, flawed human beings and to focus on those faults can be quite destructive.

So it's time to buck up buttercup. Look past the flaws, focus on the good, make him a priority....make him your best friend! (I'm talking to myself....unless you also need to hear this :) )

The Newlyweds 2008

Then the Lord God made a woman from the ribs he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man."

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. 

Genesis 2:22-24 

Even Ann Voskamp is talking about marriage today!



  1. Lovely post, Laurie.
    I tell Luke that Stephanie is my best friend, but he's a close second. ;)

  2. Hi Laurie,
    Linking in from Ann's blog. Great post and yes - my husband is my best friend, confidant, encourager, partner.
    I love Ann's 4 ways: I think I will print that out.
    Great to meet you.


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