So, at the turn of this New Year I had decided that 2013 is the Year of Relationship. One relationship that I want to strengthen is the relationship with my husband. There's a few areas in my "wife-hood" where I am failing miserably. I mean MISERABLY. I need to love my husband better. It's funny but I've noticed that when I put effort into loving him better that I also start seeing how he blesses me. A heart trained for finding gratitude in all things really can see the blessings in ALL THINGS. :)
Today Courtney, at Women Living Well, announced her four week "Be My Valentine"~Marriage Challenge!
WAHOO! I'm on board!
Here's what Courtney wrote in her announcement:
Won't you join me?
Today Courtney, at Women Living Well, announced her four week "Be My Valentine"~Marriage Challenge!
WAHOO! I'm on board!
Here's what Courtney wrote in her announcement:
Each week the challenge will be the same – to praise, encourage, inspire, admire, build up, thank and appreciate your husband. But each week I will give you different ways to express your praise. Feel free to tweak it for what you think is best for your husband.
Week 1 January 21st - Look for ways to praise your husband verbally. Praise him in front of the kids, friends, family, co-workers, on facebook, tweet it – get praise out anyway you can! Try to mention something noteworthy he has done – in his role as provider, father, husband, lover, or friend. If the thought of trying to come up with one terrifies you, then pray right now that God will give you new eyes to see your husband as God does. Then open your mouth and say something kind and uplifting to your husband today and tomorrow and the next day until Valentine’s Day arrives!
Week 2 January 28th – This week we will be a little more creative with our praise. I will give you many ideas of fun things you can do to praise your husband such as surprising him with a love message on the mirror, using sidewalk chalk to write on the driveway, making a toast to him at dinner with friends etc. Get creative with your selflessness!
Week 3 February 4th – Pursue intimacy and place the intimate needs of your man above your own. Seek to “kiss him like you mean it” every single day this week! Solomon 5:16 says “His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely.” Paula Rinehart says that for many men, “Sex is like a silent cheer.” Our men feel stronger, more capable, and built up when we respond to their advances with a smile. Give a Foot massage, back rub, shower together, be creative!
Week 4 February 11th – Women love romance, chocolate and flowers on Valentines Day. Do you know what your husband wants? Ask him! I’ll give you some ideas of what I have planned later!
Won't you join me?
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