A couple of days ago I began to hear the buzz of a challenge, hosted by Nesting Place , to blog everyday in the month of October. EVERY DAY. I've been working on last Monday's post (which was never posted) all week. How in the world will I manage to pump out 31 days of posts? I've tossed it around and decided that if I could decide on a topic that could last for 31 days AND make a "button" (something I haven't done before) by Sunday that I was going to jump at this chance. A chance to push myself to accomplish a task that seems too hard. What to write about? Some of my favorite bloggers are writing on topics such as 31 Days of Thrift Store Transformations , 31 Days to Crazy Joy and 31 Days to Write Your Story . Hmm.....topic..... And then it came to me. My blog began with everyday notions. Why change? So my notions will continue but on a daily basis instead of a when-the-spirit-moves-me basis. no·tion noun 1. a general unders...