My hands are small I know but....... these hands can be lifted up to heaven as I sing praise, join together in applause for a job well done, rub the back of a child with comforting whispers to still the crying, hold hands, dig in the dirt to plant food which will nourish, work to provide an income, a meal, a clean house for my family, grasp tight onto the shoulders in a hug to comfort a friend, wipe away tears wrap tight to show love wipe away dirt, signs of a good day of playing outside, from the face of a toddler clean boo boo's gathered and folded together in prayer create art write words which will comfort, inspire or bring affirmation These hands which were created to work, may have a little dirt under the nails and may not be perfectly manicured, are what I have to offer. My hands and my heart....God use them. These hands, though small, in God's hands can do mighty things. Use me, oh God! "We are God's hands......" ...