My husband often asks me, "Whatcha thinking about?" Hmm...I always have to think about it. Lately I've changed my usual answer of "Oh, nothing." to "Well....first I was thinking about the kitchen that I need to clean but then I started thinking about the pickles I made but then I starting wondering what is ready to pick in the garden which made me think about the weeds I need to pull which made me think that I need to get The Boy to work which led me to wondering if The Boy is going to provide me with grandchildren someday. I'm really looking forward to being a grandparent. That's what I was JUST (meaning in the time frame of 2-3 minutes) thinking about. And what were you thinking about?" My mind wanders often. I'd like to think this is normal (Please don't message me if this is not normal. I'd rather stay misinformed.). Here are just a few places that my mind wandered to this morning. Early morning wanderings can lead to inspirati...