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When Dreams Come True

Nearly two years ago, after a moving sermon on missions, the congregation was asked to write on a prayer card the name of a country, or a people group, or a cause which created heart stirrings. Guatemala was on my heart that day, as well as many days before and every day since. At that time I didn't know and couldn't even fathom that one day I would get the opportunity to serve the people in Guatemala.

When I first received the invitation last October to travel to Guatemala with World Help, I was overwhelmed with financial "burdens" as my son had just had the first of two needed knee surgeries. Planning meetings for the 8th grade class trip to Washington D.C. (although we homeschool we had the opportunity to join) had just began as well. Traveling with my son to D.C. had been a dream of mine since my daughter's trip nine years ago. I had no idea how I'd be able to swing one trip let alone two! 

I must admit that I shed a few tears (maybe more than a few) thinking that my two dream trips were out of reach. I had came to the conclusion that neither were a possibility until one morning during my devotions I was struck with the fact that I was not trusting in God. I had forgotten that I serve a God who can make the impossible possible. After much surrender and prayer He did just that. 

Last week I was in Washington, D.C. with my son making memories that will last a lifetime and in ELEVEN day I will be going to Guatemala! Up until yesterday when our t-shirts arrived from World Help it still felt like a mere dream. Reality is beginning to sink in. I am so excited and a little scared but most of all I am blown away by God's goodness. He has made this trip possible and this morning I am on my knees in humble gratitude.


  1. Oh my goodness! You are going to Guatemala?!? I am so excited for you. Your life will never be the same. Are you going on the July or August trip? My husband and son will be on the August one. I have a dream of taking my whole family to Guatemala. Do you think you will try and blog from there? I can't wait to hear all about it!

    1. I don't know if my dilapidated laptop will make the trip with me. I may just savor the experience and blog about it when I return! I know I'll probably have lots to share. Still in shock that I'm going. Thank you, Michele-Lyn, for your part in igniting the passion and dreams that I'd once stifled. I, too, am already dreaming of returning with the whole family in tow. Wouldn't that be wild if we both took our families at the same time?! :)

  2. YaY! I'm so glad I ended up being next to you at Jennifer Lee's link-up this week. I'm so blessed by God's provision for both of your trips. God bless you, keep you safe, and fulfill all His purposes in and through you on your trip to Guatemala!

    1. God IS so GOOD! Thank you for visiting and for your prayers!

  3. What a wonderful answer to prayer! I love being encouraged by hearing how God makes our dreams come true. Thanks for sharing this at Tell His Story. Blessings!

    1. Isn't He GREAT?!?! :) Thank you for stopping by, Renee!


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