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Showing posts from September, 2017

Thy Will be Done

Years ago....June 2012 to be exact..... while at the hospital bedside of my daughter , I cried "Heal her!" which was followed with as much conviction, "Thy will by done". And I meant it. The Holy Spirit equipped me to pray for God's will and not my own. The Holy Spirit equipped me to pray that whatever the outcome, he alone would be glorified. photo credit: Tessa Rampersad Since that time, "thy will be done" isn't as easy to pray when going about my normal, everyday life. How was it that I was able to so easily submit the future to his hands when I was facing my hardest days. Not by my power but by His. The past couple of weeks, as I prepared emotionally for the celebration of my youngest's 18th birthday, I've been revisiting this need to release my child into the hands of God. I've spent too many moments wondering if I've done my job in preparing my son for adulthood. I've spent too much time being anxious for his future...