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Something to think about while you're making your Christmas list.......

So I had big intentions of blogging every day of November, sharing 30 days of gifts. My hope was to share a few Christmas crafts but mostly I wanted to share information regarding organizations which work towards ending oppression, poverty, hunger and the like. My hope was to encourage you (and me) to spend our Christmas money in a way which would help others.  

But God had other plans, quieting me a bit and using that time to teach me. I'm learning to COMPLETELY lean on Him. I'm learning to give Him my every dream and trusting His plan for my future. It's been a beautiful month. 

Maybe I can still accomplish my goal of 30 gifts in November. We'll see. Meanwhile I will share a few - in no particular order and a few which I've shared previously. :)

1Love 146 - Organization working to end child trafficking and exploitation

2. Eden Minstry ~ Jewelry

"the journey of hope continues for women who have escaped trafficking and prostitution in Asia."  I wrote a little more about Eden at the beginning of the month HERE

DG101-gn, Green3. Deepgreen Project ~ beautiful hand knit scarves and hats
"Deepgreen Threads is a knitting business that provides work for women in our community who have suffered injustice. Our desire is to see these women empowered to grow professionally, personally and spiritually."  I shared a little more about DeepGreen HERE.

4. Clothed in Love ~ an etsy shop selling handmade jewelry. Shop owner, Delonna Gibbs, uses 50% of her proceeds to sponsor orphans in Africa and Central/South America. 

Instead of buying another useless gift for that person who "has everything", how about giving a gift in that person's honor? Give a gift to families living in poverty by buy a chicken, a goat, seeds, beehives, that encourage sustainability. I wrote a little more about World Help in "Does Dad really need another tie".

World Help also has beautiful merchandise that has been made all over the world such as an African Nativity, purses, jewelry, woolen hats and toy drums. 

6. Sseko Designs - (Uganda) leather bags, scarves and REALLY COOL sandals!

"Sseko Designs uses fashion to provide employment and scholarship opportunities to women pursuing their dreams and overcoming poverty. To date, we've enabled 33 to continue on to University. We provide employment (along with access to a comprehensive social impact program) to our team of 45 women in Uganda. And we do it all through a financially self-sustaining model."

7. Hope of Life International "At Hope of Life International, our vision is to minister to the spiritual, physical, and educational needs of the impoverished people of Guatemala. In Luke 10:2, Jesus said, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." We strive daily to harvest His field. Our goal is to be His workers, His hands and feet, in the heart of Guatemala."
World Help has partnered with Hope of Life in Operation Baby Rescue.

Visit their Hope for Life Shop and find a beautiful Guatemalan "souvenir"! 

8,. Reece's Rainbow an organization that advocate and find parents for orphans with Downs Syndrome and other special needs from around the world. Spend a little time on this site and you are sure to find a child that tugs at your heart strings. Although adoption may not be "for you", you can help a willing couple with the finances necessary to adopt. 

9. Salvation Army ~ Ring the bell at a Red Kettle (my kids and I did this last night!) or donate. The money raised helps with their many services.....feeding the hungry, adult rehabilitation, prison ministries, elderly services, housing/homeless services and more.

10.  International Justice Mission - a human right's organization whose vision is: 
"To rescue thousands, protect millions and prove that justice for the poor is possible. 

11. Made By Survivors ~ employs and educates survivors of slavery. 100% of profits supports rescue and aftercare. 

12. AmazonSmile -- An easy way to donate money while shopping. Amazon donates .5% of all your purchases made at Amazon to the charity of your choice. 

As I've mentioned before, I LOVE buying gifts at Christmas. It's the one time during the year which I turn into a "consumer". This year I hope to make more conscious choices so that my love of giving will not only provide a gifts for family and friends but also benefit those in need. 


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