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Faith {the gift of God's faithfulness}

Busy crafting week ~ chalkboard gift tags, soap and candles

Today my heart is overflowing with gratitude. Last week I wrote a post about my dreams, my worries, my faith (or lack thereof). In writing that post, a post that I had no intention of writing, God spoke to me. He clearly pointed out my lack of faith and reminded me of how faithful HE is! My attitude changed and I'm seeing His hand orchestrate something very beautiful.

I got over my pity party, gave my dreams...and worries to Him and got busy. :) I looked around the house for income generating ideas. I re-posted a few of items on a local Facebook "for sale" site, items which I had posted several times over the past 5 months. All were sold within an hour! And yesterday I was blown away. I had a book that was in excellent condition so I decided to try selling it on Amazon. After listing my item I noticed that there was over 200 other people listing the same book! I almost deleted my listing. 24 hours after listing my book sold!

With things I had on hand I began crafting, making gifts for Christmas and gifts to sell. I spoke to a local craft store owner who agreed to sell my "wares". A pile of wood scraps were painted and simply embellished to become chalkboard gift tags or ornaments.

I've always dreamed of starting a soap business but fear of failure kept me making soap only for gifts, friends, and family. Thinking up a creative name often created a bump in the road (silly thing to get hung up on but I allowed that simple problem to deter me). So we (my daughter is helping me with this venture....another sweet perk!) decided on Everyday Soaps. Simple and it works.

It's been fun creating soaps and labels and dreaming up other things to make. I've missed this creative side of me. Thank you, God, for leading me here!

In less than a week I've seen God's handiwork everywhere! It's amazing what He can do with faith the "size of a mustard seed". 

 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony .By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. Hebrews 11:1-3


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