It's Friday which means it's time to dance and sing (the daycare kids and I have a song and dance to celebrate this glorious day). Friday is also the day in which Lisa-Jo hosts Five Minute Fridays and I humbly join the party of words strung together in five short minutes by a group of fantastic writers. The rules are simple. Lisa-Jo provides the word, write for five minutes flat, no backtracking/editing/over thinking, share your link at Lisa-Jo's, and share the love by reading what others have written. It's great fun and so inspiring. Won't you join us? I promise, you will be blessed! Today's word ~ BARE Lord, I want to be stripped bare. Strip me of myself so there is more room for you. Strip me of my foolishness, my stubbornness, my selfishness. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves Phil. 2:3 And to man He s...
Way cool...looks fun. Thank you for sharing!